I'm In!
Image source: Hannah Vivian Shaw

I'm In!

A college planning app

I’m In!, a project of MoonGate Technology, is an application to keep students and their families organized and on track for planning life after high school. I’ve been working on this as a contractor, along with Ryan Hanson. This has been my primary development project for the past two years.

The frontend uses NextJS and Apollo to build a progressive web app front-end for a GraphQL API. It has a responsive, mobile-first design built with Material-UI, and it is authenticated with Amazon Cognito.

The backend is a serverless GraphQL API hosted on AWS. It’s built with many of AWS’s cloud services, primarily AppSync, Lambda, RDS, Cognito, and SES.

The Amplify CLI is used for deployment, and I’m working on integrating this with CircleCI for a better CI/CD workflow.

Unlike most of my projects, the code is not available for this one, as AppSync is closed-source.
